March 5, 2010

People (text)

I like people. I trust a person right away. Nearly everyone I meet leaves a good impression on me without even trying because I tend to see their ‘good side’ immediately.

On the other hand, however, I don’t like society. I don’t trust it and I certainly don’t like its established system. I mean, it’s become clear to me that I deeply dislike what humans have become as a mass, as a mentally overloaded with garbage, sick of consumerism and ultimately inhuman mass.

I tend to be naive and overly faithful regarding individuals, and yet I can’t seem to get past of what the bunch of us have become as a whole. I like the cells but not the body... the body they turned out to be.

This is why, in my very own and personal world, I feel devastated when I look through my window, the TV, the newspapers... and yet I still find myself full of hope. I smile because, as long as there are good cells, there’s a potentially good body to be built. A better one.

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